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Team rPc.Auto.Fun`

Archives December 2006
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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Jeng jeng.. tonite we had a friendly match with Fran's team in blueserver. Players in the team were Stormie,y3k,xander,fall3n and me. our drafts were the following: (First to last)

EmO : QoP, Venomancer, Zeus, Viper, Alchemist (Sentinel)

Avox : Warlock, SandKing,Thd,Lich,Enigma (Scourge)

I specifically wanted to try out Alchem because i was joking bout using him in a clan match earlier in the afternoon and see how well we will go with him.

Lanings were pretty tough for us as Warlock were up againtz Viper, Qop vs Thd Enigma and Alchemist Zeus vs Sand King and Lich. Venomancer and Viper tried to rake in a first blood for the team but failed as theres isnt much fire power to do that. On the other hand, Zeus made a mistake in level 1 which cost him and gave first blood to the Lich. Their lanes were pretty dominant and slightly around lvl 8ish Warlock got a "triple kill" in mid which all of our heroes went one by one. But Veno did made the Warlock killed himself. Akasha's early farming was much pressured by a 2 heroes combo which renders him useless until Veno came to backup and killed them both. Zeus was constantly pressured at bottom which made his items at stalled after Lich had his dagger and constantly hunt Zeus and roaming. After we started to rake in some kills for the team, they finally made a decision to stick and push mid. It proves to be a fatal decision as our combo did really well and Akasha triple killed in that battle. We took the first mid tower and backed. We farmed out our items and Qop had her skadi at the 40th minute. *cough, very slow*. To my surprise, they kept sticking. This thus led us do our combo to perfection. Our Akasha triple killed again and this time we took off their rax. Game was pretty much done then.

MVP : y3k ( Akasha )

PS: score for akasha, i really dont know =p forgot

k3v at 2:48 AM

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